Monday, 28 January 2008

The world owes me NOTHING, but I owe myself EVERYTHING!!!

It’s 7am, am standing at the 48 bus stop after a night of hard work & Sunrise sessions in club DQ, & it finely hits me… like a super charged epiphany why I always feel this deep neediness & disappointment when ever women don’t react to me the why I would like them to.

I feel as if I am OWED it as if I deserve it, as if the world revolves around me and my emotions. When in truth the world owes me NOTHING at all.

When I approach a girl, just because I am approaching doesn’t mean am OWED a good reaction from her, I don’t even KNOW her, she can choose to act how she wants, she owes me nothing, and I should want NOTHING. However I do owe MYSELF the self respect to WALK away from women who do not wish to be in my company and not let there reaction to my approach effect my emotions, I OWE that to MYSELF.

The philosophy of “The world owes me NOTHING, but I owe myself EVERYTHING” I feel applies to almost everything in love & life.

To expect the world to be fair and truthful towards me as if I were OWED it is ridicules and INSANE.

How can I feel bad when a woman doesn’t do something for me, when she owes me nothing in the 1st place & can do as she pleases, If I choose to buy her gifts, meals & presents as a way of trying to sex her & she “plays” me, how can I be angry with her & behave as if she OWED me the sex, as if the both of us had singed CONTRACTS & she had violated the terms and conditions.

The world owes me NOTHING, but I owe my self everything, I owe my self the right not to get “played” in the 1st place.

If I choose to be an entertaining monkey when I meet a girl I don’t even know in a night club & expect her to sleep with me, & then throw a bitch fit when she doesn’t, I have no right to be effected by it, its not as if we AGREED that if I entertain her she would sleep with me, nope, she owes me NOTHING.

But I owe myself the right to have fun & do what I find entreating, to entertain MYSELF 100% of the time, as long as it dose not infringe on another persons basic rights as a human being, I OWE MYSELF that.

I owe MYSELF the right to go after what I want, on my own terms, to have rules and boundaries & not expect the world to look after me as if I were OWED it.