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Look Out For The "Sings"

NOTE: I only came to this realisation a few weeks ago so am still working on a better way of detailing exactly how it works.

“If a women is interested in you she will GIVE you what you need to sleep with her”

Those words have improved my interactions with women 5 fold these past few weeks. In the begging I didn’t really understand the importance of them because I never use to really LISTION to what the women I was talking to where saying to me I was more focused on keeping the interaction going and getting to the next stage of the PU (pick up).

After I started to sloooow my interactions the fuck down and stopped trying to stay one step ahead, I started to notice that women really do GIVE you what you need to sleep with them. If you can be bothered to pay attention to what there saying they’ll drop “HINT’S” indirectly in to the conversation that let you know what stage your at in the interaction and where to go from there. I only just started to KEY into some of the stuff they’ll ask or tell you that implies where there mind is at in that present moment.

When we go some where but are not completely sure of the route to take to get there we rely on sign posts to guide us, this same analogy works when interacting with women.

Anyway am not one of these guys who like to post looong as posts lol so I’ll just throw you guys a few examples and what “I BELIEVE” them to mean when women bring them up. This is from MY OWN experiences.

HB: what’s your name = [am interested and want to get to know you better]

HB: where do you “live” or where are you staying (sometimes they’ll ask you this Q: more then once and want details) = [am considering may be going home with you tonight/2day.]

HB: let’s go over her (away from the group) = [am semi isolating my self for you]

HB: shit tests you = [I want to see if your really who you portray yourself to be]

That’s just a FEW of the many signs posts that let you know where to take the interaction next and where you are at at that monument in the interaction.