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3 Levels Of Attraction

Note: Iv only just started playing around with this concept for a few days its still in its early stages but I want to know what you guys think.

3 Levels Of Attraction

(Below is a diagram of the levels of attraction)

Surface level attraction

Base level Attraction

Deep level Attraction

IV come to believe there’s 3 levels to attraction and depending on what level of attraction you get with a chick she will decide if she wants to see you again or sleep with you.

When I 1st started going out into the filed and getting numbers I would get LOADS of flakes and id just be like WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT lol because during the “initial” interaction the woman seemed to be having a blast, laughing with me and just generally having a good time.

What I didn’t realise was that at the time I had only generated a lot of SURFACE LEVEL ATTRACTION but no BASE LEVEL or DEEP LEVEL ATTRACTION was anchored into the interaction at the time, meaning when I left the surface level attraction I had created left with me.

Iv since gotten better at getting more base level and deep level attraction by reading the singes women give when they want to progress on to the next level of attraction (some girls only need LOADS of surface level attraction for you to fuck them eg: party woman).

Usually the sings I follow that she wants me to move on to the next level of attraction is by the amount of questions, kino, and positive body Lange she’s giving me.

When a women asks for my name (massive IOI) she’s telling me “flows101 please drop the gimmicks C/F, negs and hooks a bit and lets move onto basic base level attraction” or sometimes I’ll just fucking sense am creating FAR TO MUCH surface level attraction and just automatically drop all the gimmicks a bit and move onto the next level.

How to tell what level of attraction you’re on.

Surface level attraction:
From my experience so far when your in surface level attraction the girls are just having fun with you, there not taking you to seriously your just the next guy of the night helping them bump up there buying temperature.

Base level attraction:
From my experience you now you’re on base level attraction when she starts asking you general questions (eg: what’s your name, what do you do and how old are you) from my own experience if you where to take her number now she might not flake but would need further gaming over the phone before she would be willing to meet up with you or you could just go for the venue change.

Deep level attraction:
From my experience you know you’ve reached deep level attraction once you start talking about hopes, fears and dreams with a woman and you get the feeling you’ve known each other for months or years at this point you can usually go for the day 2 and KNOW its not goner flake or take her back to your place.

Note: Some guys just by there fucking aura, looks or social proof can go up to a women and get straight base level attraction in 0.01 second.