Sometimes when playing the game with women you NEED to PLOW, PLOW, PLOW and FUCKING PLOW the shit till you cant PLOW no more and even after that PLOW some more because it’s always OOOON .
That’s what I learned the night I went out with a mate of mine called Kevin. This guy is a natural with women; he doesn’t care if there thin, big, small, tall if he can catch them chicks he’s FUCKING goner catch them. If he finds a girl that’s interested in him they aint NO FUCKING way on this plant he aint at least getting them digits, that kind of dumb shit just aint conceivable to him but it was TO MEEE until I went out with him on the 12/06/07.
That night I truly I leaned that it’s always OOOOOOON when your in the field it aint NEVER not on, the game is always been played and if you don’t stay focused on your goals and the end result your looking for, your goner miss the play.
Tuesday night was a very shit night, me and Kevin are heading home we see these to girls I gamed the night before but never bothered getting there numbers because deep down I BITCHED out of it.
We kiss close them and they leave to make there way to the club Kevin ask's if I got any of there numbers I say no, and he looks at me like am FUCKING mad. After that we literally CHASE down them chicks because in his mind they aint NOOOO way he aint at least getting them digits. If he finds a girl that’s interested in him they aint NO FUCKING way on this planet, no in this universe he aint getting at least a number.
I tried to spit some BULLSHIT that we’ll look desperate going back, he’s like “fuck you nigga” (where both black gangstar rude boys) am getting them digits “IT’S ALWAYS OOOOOOOON MOTHER FUCKER”. We chase them down and…….. he gets them digits. At the time my girl was throwing out some IOD’s (indicters of disinterest) but because I didn’t still have the mentality then in my head that “IT’S ALWAYS ON” i didnt carrie on playing the game so didn’t get my girls digits.
I learned that night that EVERYTHING you do in a sarge amounts to JACK FUCK SHIT if you don’t CLOSE, CLOSE, CLOSE AND FUCKING CLOSE SOME MORE you can run the tightest GAME in the world but if you don’t CLOSE it dont mean SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!! So what if it flakes you ran tight game and CLOSED you played your game how you knew best and GOT A SOLID END RESULT no “WHAT IF’S” you only end up knowing “WHAT IS”.